Some of you may have seen my video while I was in London training. I was there specifically to certify in Holistic Pelvic Care™ through Tami Kent. I had the honor of taking both levels back to back to complete my training. I chose London because it is the last Holistic Pelvic Care™ training before the birth of my next baby, not to mention the opportunity to learn under Tami was an experience too valuable to pass up. I’m VERY EXCITED to add this education to Nebraska Birth Keeper, Private Membership Association. Some of you may ask what is Holistic Pelvic Care™ and how does it help?

As women, we inherently absorb multi-energies around us. Some energies can be life-giving; however, others can also be stresses, trauma, ancestral trauma, environmental toxins, and more. By attending to the physical, spiritual, emotional, and energetic alignment in your pelvic bowl, you can cleanse and expand your vibrant energy to flow more freely in your body and all areas of your life. Holistic Pelvic Care, HPC™, is for all stages of a woman’s life and works to restore balance in the female pelvic area to increase the strength of core muscles. If you are interested in more education about HPC™, you can contact me on my website or facebook.
A day after I arrived State-side from London, I drove through beautiful wooded areas to another training/retreat in Missouri with my apprentice. I was able to recertify in NRP and take Basic Disaster Birth Support (BDBS). The keynote speaker at the retreat was Sister Morningstar. Listening and learning under her was a priceless gift. Sister Morningstar not only instructed BDBS, she also taught the classes: “Village Prenatals”, and “Birth Keepers - The World Over and from the Dawn of Time.” I had the privilege to participate as an expectant mother in the Village Prenatal. It was an amazing experience being cared for and supported by amazing midwives around me. I look forward to adding even more of this holistic care to Nebraska Birth Keeper.
Altogether I was gone 2 weeks for training. It was an amazing time of learning, growing, and connecting with myself and others. I was able to reconnect with like-minded sisters, meet new ones, and learn under inspiring wise women and teachers. I'm so blessed by the women who poured into my life, so I can continue to pour into women and families around me.
Here are photos from my travels!